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3 - PRIX Hippofeeder

19h05 - 11 Runners - 8742 euros - 1640m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 RIBOT 1640 H4 ADIELSSON Eri. NORMAN Peter G 7a 7a 3a 6a 2a 1a
3 CHAPMAN HORDA 1640 H8 WERNANG Gus. TRILAND Lars-Erik 0a (22) 3m 0a 0m 0a
4 MELLBY HERO D4 1640 H4 KONTIO Jor. NURMOS Timo 0a (23) 0a 4a 6a 4a
5 IGGY BOKO 1640 H5 OHLSSON Ulf JOHANSSON Conny 0a 0a 0a 5a (20) 0a
6 ETTA STING D4 1640 F8 JANSSON Tor. IVARSSON Per Da 0a 5a 0a (21) 6a
7 CHARLIE BRODDE 1640 H5 JONSSON MME Mar. STROMBERG Hans R 4a 10a 5a 8a (23) 6a
8 FIGHT FOR VICTORY 1640 H5 ODEN Rol. HELLGIN Claes 0a 7a 8a (23) 8a 0m
9 AMAZINGSURPRISENO 1640 F5 RUNDQVIST MME A. K. RUNDQVIST Anna-Karin 0a 5a 0a (20) 6a 0a
10 KRUSES CHIP IN Da 1640 H7 WIDELL Kaj VON KRUSENSTIERNA Jesper 8a 0a 7a 0a (22) 0a
11 MIMIRO Dp 1640 F4 ERIKSSON Kim. WALMANN Roger 6a 4a 5a 4a 2a
12 TAKE IT EASY TOUR Dp 1640 H3 GOOP Bjo. GOOP Bjorn 0a 5a 2m 1m 3a 1m
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