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Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7 


15h17 - 13 Runners - 35000 - Fences - Classe 2 - 4 years - 3500 mètres, Corde à gauche


No Name Stable Jockey Weight S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 SINNETIC SALMON D. 70 H7 Th (21) 5h 1h 7h 6.1 4.4 19 4.2 4.2
2 HALEXANDRE MOME {AQ} RIOU C. 70 H7 As (21) 6h 2h 6s 9 15 23 19 19
3 SANTO DOMINGO MEUNIER Gab. 69 H7 (22) As As 6s 12h 8.3 3.8 11 4.1 4.1
4 HASMAR BERE LOTOUT A. 71 H7 Ah 2h Tc (21) 8h 4 13.6 33 11 11
5 REVE DE PRINCE BRETON J. B. 68 H7 1h 3s (23) 2s 1h 32 18.4 23 13 13
6 BIRTHDAY TIC (Oe) GIRARD F. 66 H7 Ah Ah (21) Th Ah 54 43.1 30 39 39
7 HALO ON FIRE UBEDA D. 69 H7 7p (23) Ah Ah 5p 78 22.8 1.4 19 19
8 CELESTIN MERCURY ANDRIEUX T. 65 H7 As 1h 4s 5h 8h 15 8 20 9.1 9.1
9 HONESTA GAUFFENIC N. 69 F7 5h 4h 4h 5s 6s 55 13 25 13 13
10 COME ON LOTTI (Oe) MASSE Fla. 64 F7 7h 6h 7h (21) 6h 15 8.7 32 7.7 7.7
11 LADYSANE PHILIPPERON L. 67 F7 7h (21) 5h 4s 3s 8.8 20 25 16 16
12 TIRENVILLE BOUCHE Sac. 63 H7 Ah Ah 11h 6h 5h 72 79.7 98 86 86
13 HOPE KLASS {AQ} DE GILES F. 66 F7 2s 5h (22) 8p 3p 67 33.9 47 32 32
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