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R1 - Z1 AUTEUIL - the SUNDAY 18 OCTOBER 2020

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 


17h08 - 10 Runners - 84000 - Fences - Groupe 3 - 4 years - 3900 mètres, Corde à gauche


No Name Stable Jockey Weight S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 FOR FUN HENDERSON T. 68 M8 4h 8h 3h 1h 4h 7.5 10.4 28 12 11
2 FALSTAFF MASURE G. 67 H8 11c 3c 3c 4c 3c 9.4 23.7 19 31 24
3 JAMES DU BERLAIS PHILIPPERON L. 67 H8 2s 7s 3s (23) 4s 9.4 2.5 2.2 1.6 2.5
4 SEDUCTION ZULIANI A. 66 F8 Ah 5h (20) 5h 7h 7.5 5.3 5.8 8.3 6
5 MANX {IRE} GAUFFENIC N. 65 H8 11p 10p (22) 4h 5p 28 108.1 24 59 85
6 MOISES HAS COLAS S. 65 M8 1h 2h 3h 2h (19) 15 11.4 99 16 8.9
7 GANT DE VELOURS {AQ} DE CHITRAY A. 65 H8 As (20) 3h 5h 2h 7.5 6.6 5.7 8.2 5
8 GRAND MESSE CHARRON J. 65 F8 1h 7h 8h 7h 9h 23 9.2 8.5 19 13
9 SAINT TURGEON SATALIA D. 65 H8 1h (22) Dh 3h (21) 9.4 55.6 11 34 42
10 GRACE FELINE CHEVILLARD T. 63 F8 4h 1s 4h (19) 2h 7.5 14.3 17 22 14
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