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3 - PRIX Fordel Treariga

19h05 - 12 Runners - 7066 euros - 2140m - Attelé Volte

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 TEQUILA L.L. 2140 F3 NIKLASSON Mar. NORBERG Soren 8m 7m 6a 0a 4m 0a
2 GLOBAL BEST LOVER 2140 H3 LOVGREN Joa. LOVGREN Joakim Dm 6a (23) Da 5a 5a
3 WHITE SOCK 2160 H5 WALDMULLER Mar. JONSSON Ronny 7a Da 0a Da 2a (23)
4 EAGLE SIMONI 2160 M4 JACOBSEN Axe. JACOBSEN Axel 4a 0a Da 0a 2a 3a
5 RILEY S.W. 2160 H4 SJUNNESSON Jor. KARLSSON Ola (22) Da Da 6a 5a 0a
6 CASH SEA 2160 H8 ANDERSSON Rob. ANDERSSON Robert 9a (19) 7a 3a Da 9a
7 UNDINE FACE 2160 F4 ERIKSSON Chr. ERIKSSON Christoffer 4a Da Da 1a Da (19)
8 SUPER ALICE 2160 F5 INGVES Pet. RANLUND Mats 0a 4a 6a 5a 3a 4a
9 GO FOR FUN 2160 H4 PERSSON Ste. ANDERSSON Jenny Da 6a Da 1a Da 5a
10 WILFI RONI 2160 H8 ORBERG Bo NILSSON Roger S 7a 0a (20) 0a 0a 7a
11 F.SKATT BLOU 2160 H6 FYHR MME Ron. OHLSSON Sune 0a 7a (20) Da Da 7a
12 SWEET ELOISE 2160 F4 KARHULAHTI Vil. LINDGREN Marcus 6a 0a 5a (20) Da 1a
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