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R3 - Z3 AUT-BADEN - the SUNDAY 25 AUGUST 2019

Race Time Runners
trot Prix Olympique Lyon 11h10 9
3.000 Attelé 2.100m Autostart
trot Prix Ogc Nice 11h40 8
5.000 Attelé 2.600m Autostart
trot Rottaler-meile 15h40 8
1.500 Attelé 1.600m Autostart
trot Land Rover-trophy 16h10 10
1.500 Attelé 2.100m Autostart
trot Grosser Preis Vom Weingut Waldhäusl In Sooss 16h40 9
1.500 Attelé 2.100m Autostart
trot Jaguar-trophy 17h10 9
1.500 Attelé 1.600m Autostart
trot Robert und Gerhard Daim-trophy 17h40 9
2.500 Attelé 2.100m
trot Mustang-trophy 18h10 9
1.200 Attelé 1.600m Autostart
trot Bernhard Österreicher-trophy 18h40 8
2.000 Attelé 2.100m Autostart
trot 10  Rennen Der Freunde Des Restaurants 19h10 10
1.500 Attelé 2.100m Autostart
trot 11  Czeczelits-trophy 19h40 12
15.000 Attelé 2.100m Autostart
trot 12  Grosser Preis Von Bobby's Sport 20h25 8
1.200 Attelé 2.100m Autostart
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