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R2C5 - Preis von Deauville - PMU-Rennen Rennen mit Dreierwette und Viererwette - Garant

13h25 - 12 Runners - 4500 Euros - Attelé - 2000 mètres - Départ à l'autostart


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 COUSIN LE BLANC BAKKER A. 2000 H15 7a 10a 5a 10a 6a 20 107.9 99 43 63
3 FADAY SCOTT BOS Tho. 2000 H11 6m 4a 2m 4a 4a 27 25.5 3.9 10 28
4 GENERAL LEE DE VLIEGER R. 2000 H11 4a (23) 4a Dm 1m 8.9 10 99 11 6.3
5 MR BATHUAN BYD JONG J.T.DE 2000 H12 Da 6a (22) 7a 1a 11 7 1.3 8.5 9
6 SUPER QUEEN C SCHOONHOVEN S. 2000 F11 5a 5a 2a 7a 5a 12 13 99 13 15
7 TWINKLE FACE MIERAS J. 2000 F9 5a Dm Da 4a 3a 14 12.9 99 9.9 14
8 LATE NIGHT SHOW WEWERING H. 2000 F12 8a 7a 3a (19) 6a 16 48.3 99 14 40
10 UNSTOPPABLE HULSKATH R. 2000 H12 2a (21) 6a 4a 3a 11 5.9 99 7.5 6.5
11 FAST AND FURIOUS (Da) BOT Rob. 2000 M12 4a 7a 0a 6a (20) 7.8 4.8 99 3.4 3.5
12 EHJOE DE TILOU HOLTERMANN G. 2000 H10 6a 7a 7a Dm 8a 28 118.5 99 109 146
13 JACKPOT VRIJTHOUT STEVENS Ste. 2000 H11 1a 1m 0m 2a 5a 7.8 8 99 8.9 7.4
14 COKTAIL BAR BOT E. 2000 H13 5a 3a 3a 2a 5a 29 5.4 99 17 8.1
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