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R3 - Z3 AUT-VIENNE - the SUNDAY 19 MAY 2019

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 

R3C4 - Rennen Des Eveline-andrlik-hof

12h40 - 8 Runners - 1500 Euros - Attelé - 1600m Autostart


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
2 GARBO VENUS PROGLHOF S. 1600 F10 4a 5a Da (19) 7a 11 44.2
3 VIOLA DEMMELBAUER Con. 1600 F10 9a 6a 8a 4a (19) 13 13.4
4 FREE SOUL PREINING JR MJ. 1600 H10 5a (23) 8a 5a 6a 6 3
5 JEUDI FORTUNA MAYR CH. 1600 M8 3a 6a 7a Da 5a 6.7 3
6 HONEY'S BOY MAG. F. HOFM. JUN. 1600 H11 Da Da 3a 6a 8a 8.1 7.9
7 FLOWER VENUS ROYER T. 1600 F11 8a Da (19) 9a 9a 7.4 11.6
8 O MIA BELLA HOBART Chr. 1600 F11 6a 5a 6a Da 6a 6.7 7.5
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