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2 - PRIX Maiden Claiming

- 4 Runners - 22641 - Flat - Maiden Claiming - 1600m. (PSF)

Runners Complete information

silks No Name Stable S A Weight Jockey Trainer Ropes  Winnings
1 ARDIS {USA} F3 50.5 Emily A. Ellingwood GEORGE PAPAPRODROMOU 1
Orig.: Mohaymen - Vain Vixen (23) 1p 7p 1p 7p 10p 3p 2p 6p 1p (22) 1p 4p 4p
3 QUEEN OF LOVE {USA} F4 57 Ramon A. Vazquez JEFF MULLINS 3
Orig.: King Of Jazz - Love Blind (23) 5p 4p 8p (22) 1p 2p 4p 6p 5p (21) 2p 3p 3p
4 SO SOFTLY {USA} F3 53.5 Umberto Rispoli HECTOR O. PALMA 4
Orig.: Practical Joke - Cashconsiderations (23) 5p 1p 3p 7p (22) 3p 3p 2p 5p 3p (21) 9p
5 HARDDIANE {USA} F3 53.5 Diego A. Herrera RYAN HANSON 5
Orig.: Hard Spun - Diane'S Ready (22) 2p 2p 3p 3p 8p (21) 5p 2p
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