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9 - PRIX Fordel Ston

21h40 - 10 Runners - 13381 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 CHABLIS D.K. 2140 H7 JUUL Ste. JUUL Steen 0a 0a 0a (22) 4a 8a
2 DYNAMITE LIGHT 2140 H9 ERIKSSON Chr. GORANSSON Carl-Otto 0m 4m 1m 2m 3m (22)
3 VICTORY LEE 2140 H6 KOLGJINI Adr. KOLGJINI Adrian 0m 0a (23) 0a 4a 2a
4 OFELIA OE 2140 F7 UNTERSTEINER Joh. UNTERSTEINER Peter (21) 4m 1m Dm 5m 0a
5 ESTEBAN BOKO 2140 H10 SJUNNESSON Jor. HAGGMAN Alexandra 0a 7a 4a 0a Da 7a
6 GAMBIT BRODDE 2140 H6 ELIAS Mar. LUGAUER Conrad 7a 7a 1a 5a 1a 2a
7 HURRICANE RIVER 2140 H6 UHRBERG Tho. SAMUELSSON Ola 0a Da (23) 3a 8a 4a
8 GALANTIS 2140 M5 PERSSON Ste. LEJON Johan Da (23) 5a Da 0a 7a
9 ZAFFIRO JET 2140 M6 KORFITSEN Nic. WESTERGAARD Bo 5a 3a 3a 4a 1a
10 UNSTOPPABLE D.E. 2140 H9 KJAER R. JUUL Morten 1a 6a
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