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9 - PRIX Stayerlopp

21h15 - 13 Runners - 3330 euros - 3140m - Attelé Volte

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 ONE WAY FACE 3140 F8 NIKLASSON Mar. GOTTHARDZON Agneta Da 7a 0a 0a 6a 7a
2 FASHION FINE WINE 3140 H5 ERIKSSON Chr. NILSSON Lars I 0a (22) 7a 0a 7a 0a
3 J.A.CONNIE BELL 3160 F6 MADSEN Tho. MADSEN Thomas 4a 0a 0a 0a 2a
4 INERTIAL Da 3160 H5 SJUNNESSON Jor. KARLSSON Ola Da 3a 3a 6a 1a
5 TYPHOEUS FACE 3160 H4 KOLGJINI Lut. KOLGJINI Adrian Da 8a Da 4a Da (21)
6 SINFONIA D'AMORE 3160 F8 CRACCHIOLO Chr. PALM Ronny 7a 7a 9a 8a 9a 8a
7 ORBITAL AS Da 3160 F4 ROSLEFF Vic. RIORDAN Jerry 0m (20) 0a 0a 0a 2a
8 ASLAN D.K. 3160 H7 SOVIK Pre. RAMSER Patrik 0a 0a 7a 5a 5a (20)
9 KOSMOPOLIT DU GULL 3160 H7 PERSSON Fre. PERSSON Fredrik 0a Qa (20) 0a 5a 0a
10 HE'S A DIFFACOLT Da 3180 H9 PERSSON Ste. PERSSON Stefan 8a (20) 5a 6a 0a 3a
11 TWIN'S ZINDY D4 3180 F8 DYHRBERG Sve. DYHRBERG Svend 9a 0a (18) Dm 5a 3a
12 DUMAS SAND 3180 H12 SVANHALL Mat. SVANHALL Irene 0a 0a 1a (20) 2a 0a
13 GREAT KING WINE Da 3180 M6 SODERKVIST Ste. ZUKANOVIC Admir 2a 11a 1a Da 7a 2a
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