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1 - PRIX Arboga Miljotransporter

18h20 - 11 Runners - 2463 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 TAMIAMI TRAIL 2140 F4 KONTIO Jor. MELANDER Stefan Da 7a 5a 0a 4a 0a
2 DIGITAL SPACE 2140 H4 NILSSON Sun. L. NILSSON Sune L Da 1a (18) 2a 5a 0a
3 ENJOY'S X.DRIVE 2140 H4 WIDELL Kaj JACOBSSON Patrik 5a 0a 0a 0a (22) 0a
4 ISADORA ARRIBA 2140 F5 SJOSTROM Cla. PARTANEN Juhani 3a 5a 4a 7a (16) 0a
5 JANIE JONES 2140 F3 LENNARTSSON Per LENNARTSSON Per 7a 6m 4a 2m (22) 0a
6 KOM LEIA 2140 F5 ANDERSSON Mik. ANDERSSON Mikael J 0a (23) 0a 8a 7a 8a
7 ROX RIDER 2140 H6 JEPSON Car. J. JANSSON Goran Da 0a 7a Da Da 0a
8 SPEED MARKE 2140 H4 BERNTSSON MME Chr. SELIN Mikael 0a (20) 7a 5a 0a 7a
9 BAMSE A. 2140 H5 RIESTERER MME Ulr. RIESTERER Ulrika 5a (22) Da 0a 7m 0a
10 MATRIX AGAIN 2140 H4 ANDERSSON Mat. ANDERSSON Mats L 8a 6a 5a 9a 9a 3a
11 HEAD FOR HOME 2140 F3 OHLSSON Ulf WALLIN Fredrik 0m 0m Da 2m 0a 5a
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