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2 - PRIX

12h45 - 12 Runners - 2463 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 ODINSON V.A. 2140 H5 LINDQVIST Ove A. SWEDIN Hans 0a Da 7a Dm Da 0a
2 ASE 2140 F8 AKERLUND Ken. NORRBY Roger 8a 6a 9a 4a 7a 5a
3 ASTAS MARCUS 2140 H5 KARLSSON Bjo. KARLSSON Bjorn 3a 6a (20) 7a Qa (19)
4 ULVSAS RUNE 2140 M9 GABRIELSSON MME Emm. GABRIELSSON Gunnar 0a 8a 6a 1a 0a Da
5 MINESSA 2140 F5 OSTMAN Joh. HAFSTAD Orjan 0a 0a 6a Dm (21) Da
6 BJORLI THOR 2140 H8 FORSBERG Arn. FORSBERG Arne 0a 0a 4a 9a (19) 8a
7 TUSSALILL 2140 F8 SVARDFELDT Lar. A. SVARDFELDT Lars-Ake 0a 0a 0a 0a 1a 6a
8 HUSNAS ELVING 2140 H6 NILSSON MME Ame. NORMAN Hakan 7a (23) 7a 0a 0a 7a
9 TURKONGEN 2140 H12 JOHANSSON Jon. SIVERTSSON Annica 9a 6a (18) 0a 8a 4a
10 BARA FILLE 2140 H7 EDIN Ste. IVARSSON Ann-Sofie 0m 2m Dm (22) 5m Da
11 CONNY KULLERS 2140 H9 LANDGREN Bo LANDGREN Bo 0a 7m 0a 7a (19) Dm
12 FINNSKOG ODIN 2140 H8 ERIKSSON Ulf NORDH Jan 0a 1a Da (19) 6a 7a
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