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9 - PRIX P21-lopp

21h23 - 12 Runners - 985 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 M.T.KNIGHT RIDER 2140 H6 HAMMARSTROM Nic. JONSSON Kjell O 5m 4m 0a (22) 0a 6m
2 ELEANOR SHELLBY 2140 F6 WILHELMSSON Rob. WILHELMSSON Robert 0a 8a 8a 4a 2a 2a
3 YOU CAN DANCE 2140 F9 ESKILSSON Joa. ESKILSSON Claes Da 6a 7a (18) 7a 5a
4 PRINCESS TIME 2140 F8 ERIKSSON Kar. ERIKSSON Karin 7a 0a 2a 2a 0a 5a
5 TAP ON MY STAR 2140 F10 AKERLUND MME Hel. LINDGREN Karin 0a 3a 0a (17) 4a 5a
6 STILL GOING STRONG 2140 H9 NORDLUND Per KARLSSON Eilert 0a 0a 0a (20) 0m 0a
7 TOBAGO BAY 2140 H9 ESKILSSON Cla. ESKILSSON Claes 0a Da Da 7a 7a 0a
8 ISLAMORADA 2140 F7 BENZON Nic. HOLMBERG Lars 7a 8a (19) 5a 6a 1a
9 SPYGLASS HILL 2140 H7 OLSSON Dan. JOHNCKE Caroline 0a 6a 7a 4a 8a 7a
10 PERFECT JANE 2140 F6 GUSTAFSSON Tob. J. WIKLUND Gunilla 8a 5a 6a 6a 5a 6a
11 JULLE 2140 H9 FRICK Kaj. SUNDBERG Kerstin 5a 0a 8a 7a 0a 0a
12 RURIK KRAX 2140 M9 ARTURSSON MME Lin. BERGSTROM Josefin 0a (21) Da 6a 6a 0a
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