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4 - PRIX Course 4

19h30 - 10 Runners - 7607 euros - 1640m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 VICTORY TOPLINE D4 1640 H5 KONTIO Jor. NURMOS Timo 0a 4a 3a Da 2a 0a
2 BIONICLE MAN D4 1640 H8 DJUSE Mat. E. MOLINDER Kurt 0a 0a 7a 0a 5a 0a
3 QUATRE STAR 1640 H6 SVENSSON Hen. SVENSSON Henrik 3a 1a (20) 0a 0a 0a
4 SWEET EDDIE D4 1640 H5 SKOGLUND Rik. N. CLAESSON Thomas 0a 0a Da 0a 0a 7a
5 DJORKAEFF SISU 1640 H6 OHLSSON Ulf BATH Svante Da Da 0a Da (21) 0a
6 MAGIC ALLYBIS D4 1640 H6 OSTMAN Joh. FROLANDER Lennart (21) Da 1a 8a Da Da
7 NOEL FACE D4 1640 H9 DJUSE Mag. A. BERGLUND Hakan 6a 0a 5a 7a 6a (19)
8 SO GA IKAROS Dp 1640 H7 MELANDER Mic. HAGGLUND Greger 0a (21) 0m 3a 5m 0m
9 DRAGON POWERFLY D4 1640 H8 LINDQVIST Ove A. BERGH Robert (19) 4a 3a 1a Da Da
10 GOLDEN NEWS Da 1640 H4 LINDEROTH Per. LINDEROTH Per 0a 0a (21) 5a 2a 4a
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