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3 - PRIX Ung i Norr - Trearingslopp

19h05 - 8 Runners - 10286 euros - 2140m - Attelé Volte

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 LOVISA BURGE 2140 F3 CEDERGREN Mik. CEDERGREN Mikael 0a Da 5a 6a 0a Da
2 BOTTNAS IMPULS 2140 H3 LINDQVIST Ove A. DUNDER Robert 0a (23) Da 0a 0a 1a
4 BECCA BOKO 2140 F3 ERIKSSON MME San. JOHANSSON Mikael 0a 2a 2a (23) 3a 3a
5 MUSCLE MIKE 2140 H3 OHLSSON Ulf SALMELA Petri 5a 0a (21) 0a 1a 3a
6 GLORY YANKEE L.A. 2140 F3 OLOFSSON MME Han. OLOFSSON Hanna 8a Da 7a Da 4a 0a
7 HANNA AVENUE 2140 F3 JOHANSSON Ste. ERLANDSSON Jessica Da 0a (23) 0a Da 0a
8 RIDE AWAY 2140 H3 DUNDER Rob. DUNDER Robert 2a 7a 5a 3a 2a
9 BLUE MOXIE 2140 F3 SODERHOLM Kri. KIMMERUD Anneli Da Da 5a (23) Da 4a
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