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9 - PRIX Nordmarkens Fasader & Tocksfors Camping - P22-lopp

21h23 - 9 Runners - 2761 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 LISTAS SNOVIT 2140 F4 RUDQVIST Hen. HANSSON Maritha 0a 3a 0a (20) 0a 4a
2 NOTERA 2140 F6 NYKVIST Rog. SPELLING Philip 5a 9a 7a 7a 0a 8a
3 BANKER UP 2140 H5 ANDERSSON Mik. HALLSTENSSON Jonas 0m (22) 0a 0a 5a Da
4 EUROBOY 2140 H7 HORPESTAD Tom KARLSSON Bernt-Olov 0a 0a (20) 0a 0a 4a
5 ENJOY'S TOP GUN 2140 H4 HULTMAN Mar. HULTMAN Marcus 6a (22) 7a 5a 4a (21)
6 OTI STAR 2140 H5 ELEHN And. ELEHN Anders 2m 2m 0m (23) 5m 4m
7 REACHER 2140 H5 HAGER Sva. HAGER Svante 0a (22) 0a (21) 0a 7a
8 LUCKY BET TOOMA 2140 F4 ALBINSSON Bja. ALBINSSON Bjarne 4a 4a 9a 1a 3a 2a
9 SWIFT BABE 2140 F6 ANDERSSON And. TEDENRUD Roger 7a 6a 9a 0a 6a 7a
  Place your bets now  
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