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Races n° 2  3  4  5  6  7  8 

3 - PRIX Stolopp

19h15 - 10 Runners - 5380 euros - 2140m - Attelé Volte

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 HELEN STAR 2140 F4 JAKOBSSON Mag. JAKOBSSON Magnus 4a 0a 1a Da 4a (20)
2 STARO KITTY 2140 F8 MAHONY Paw HOGBERG Ulf 0a (22) 4a 0a Da 0a
3 STRACCIATELLA DOC 2140 F3 LINDBLOM Mic. MALTESSON Torbjorn 0a 5a 7a 0a 0a
4 DIVA RAVINA 2140 F4 BERGLOF Eri. BERGLOF Erik Da Da 7a Da Da (23)
5 TURBINA C.F. 2160 F8 NILSEN Roy A. R. FAGRELL Catharina (23) 0a 0a 4a 3a 6a
6 GLOBAL VIRGIN 2160 F6 KARLSSON Pet. PETTERSSON WIIK Birger 0a 6a 7a 7a (22) 7a
7 CHARMING EVY SISU 2160 F9 JOHANSSON Alf JOHANSSON Alf 0a 0a 0a 7a 0a 0a
8 CURIE 2160 F4 SVANTESSON Ste. BERGLOF Erik 6a Da 0a 7a 5a 5a
9 UP NEW MOON 2160 F5 ANDERSSON Mik. MARTINSSON Eric 0a Da 5a 1a 5a 3a
10 GLOBAL STARDUST 2160 F9 AXELSON MME Ulr. AXELSON Ulrika 6a 8a 4a 7a 6a
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