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R5 - Z5 SWE-ABY - the WEDNESDAY 08 APRIL 2020

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 


21h14 - 10 Runners - 12209 euros - 1640m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 ENJOY BANKER D4 1640 H4 WESTERGAARD Bo WESTERGAARD Bo 7a (23) 0a 0a 6a 4a
3 CAN WIN IXI 1640 H7 SCHILLSTROM And. SCHILLSTROM Anders 4a 0a 7a 0a 0a 4a
4 DENCO'S BENITO D4 1640 H4 LARSEN MME Hen. ZUKANOVIC Admir Da Da 6a Da (22) Da
5 CASH BORE Dp 1640 H5 EKLUNDH And. BOREKULL Ulf 6a Da Da 4a 0a 0m
6 UN MEC D'OR 1640 H5 GOOP Bjo. GOOP Bjorn 0a (21) 0a 4a 1a 5a
7 TUZZIMAN D4 1640 H5 BERGH Rob. BERGH Robert 0a 0a 4a 0a 5a 0a
9 BALLY T.N. 1640 H4 KOLGJINI Adr. KOLGJINI Adrian 6a 7a 0a 4a 3a 3a
10 SOBEL NILS D4 1640 H4 UNTERSTEINER Pet. UNTERSTEINER Peter 6a 0a 5a 8a 2a (20)
11 THINKING ABOUT YOU Da 1640 H7 ANDERSSON Pet. U. ANDERSSON Peter U 0a 7a 3a 6a 7a 6a
12 I KEEP TABS 1640 M5 BOLSHAKOV Edu. BOLSHAKOV Eduard 6a 1a 1a 1a
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