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9 - PRIX Course 9

21h15 - 12 Runners - 8028 euros - 1640m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 NORRLANDS SCOTT 1640 M8 ERICSSON Lar. A. ERICSSON Lars-Ake 0a 7a 3a (22) 4a 4a
2 HIBOKONGEN 1640 H12 KYLIN-BLOM Wik. SCHONNINGS Micael 8m 5m 0m 4m 5m (22)
3 FYLKING 1640 M10 OHLSSON Ulf BACKMAN Kin 7a 7a 0a 1a 3a 3a
4 BJORLIFANNER 1640 H7 LISELL Per LISELL Per 0a 5m 6a 7a 5a 0a
5 OSEN PRINSESSA 1640 F9 OSTRE Ole J. OSTRE Ole Johan Da 0a Da 2a Da 0a
6 GULLKONGEN 1640 H7 KONTIO Jor. STOLT Claes 6a 0a 4a 4a 0a 5a
7 KLOCKSVE SPRINTEN 1640 M9 ERIKSSON Ulf PERSSON Leif 0a 4a 4a 0a 0a
8 RUBUS 1640 H11 WIDELL Kaj BYLUND Malin 0m 0a (21) 0a 0a 0a
9 ASARAPPEN 1640 H11 ANDERSSON Osk. J. TALLBERGER Lina 2m 0m (20) 5m 0m 1m
10 TAGA KONGEN 1640 H7 NYBERG Ing. ABERG Jan-Olov 4m 0a 0a 4m 4a 6a
11 LINDA KAVAT 1640 F14 ABERG Jan O. ABERG Jan-Olov Dm 0a 0a (20) 6a 8a
12 HAKSATTER SVARTEN 1640 H11 WALLBERG Hak. WALLBERG Hakan 0a (19) 0a 6a 0a 0a
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