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9 - PRIX Larlingslopp - Ston

21h15 - 12 Runners - 10273 euros - 2140m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 ZAIRA DEL RONCO 2140 F4 FIORE Chr. MYLLYMAA Laura 8a 2m Da 0a 5a Dm
2 NANNY MCPHEE 2140 F5 MIFSUD Tyl. LOVGREN Joakim 8a 0a 0a Da 6a 0a
3 PERSONAL JESUS 2140 F4 NIKLASSON Mar. LEJON Johan 0a 0a 7a 7a 7a 5a
4 GLOBAL WIRELESS 2140 F4 ZADEL Pet. UNTERSTEINER Peter 1a 2a 4a 1a Da 3a
5 VORES WOZNIACKI 2140 F8 HANSEN Jan MIKKELSEN Katrine 6a 0a (20) 0a Da 5a
6 FRESH FIONA M.E. 2140 F5 WALDMULLER Mar. PEDERSEN Henrik (20) 8a (19) 8a (18) 3a
7 VERAVIA AS 2140 F5 EKBERG Wil. DAHLEN Magnus 0a 6a 2a 0a 6a (20)
8 IVY LEAGUE 2140 F4 LARSEN MME Hen. BIANCHI Riccardo 0a 0a Da Da Da Da
9 QUEEN FOR A DAY 2140 F4 ELIAS Mar. FRANZL Josef 11a Da (19) 5a 2a 1a
10 AURA SL 2140 F3 ROSLEFF Vic. RIORDAN Jerry Da 1a 4m 0a 3m 0a
11 MAHARANEE STAR 2140 F4 KOLGJINI Dan. KOLGJINI Adrian 6m 5m (21) 6m 0m 0a
12 SEE YOU IN HEAVEN 2140 F4 CRACCHIOLO Chr. MOLLER Bengt-Olle 2m 0a 0a 0a 0m 3a
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