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5 - PRIX VinnaTillsammans - Svensk Travsports Unghastserie

19h52 - 11 Runners - 12206 euros - 1640m - Attelé Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 NICOLE STARSIX 1640 F3 ANDERSSON Mat. ANDERSSON Mats L 0m Dm 0a (20) 0a 8a
3 B.B.S.LEZZY 1640 F3 KARLSSON Pet. KARLSSON Hans 6a 5a Da 6a 7a 6a
4 MARRES DIVA 1640 F3 LEO MME Emi. RIEDL Christian 2m 3m 2a 7a 0a 3a
5 BASTIAN BOOM 1640 H3 ADIELSSON Eri. BATH Svante 3a 4a 0a 8a 7a 0a
6 CASH CASE 1640 M3 RALFELT Bo RALFELT Bo 0m 8a 0a 0a 0a 0a
7 JONATHAN BOKO 1640 H3 KORPI Jan. KORPI Pekka 8a (21) 9a 4a (20) 3a
8 DOUBLE FORMULA 1640 H3 ANDERSEN Tro. ANDERSEN Troels 5m (23) 0m 1a 0a 4m
9 EXPENSIVE 1640 H3 ERIKSSON MME Mag. LINDER Fredrik 6a 5a 2a 3a 0a 7a
10 ATHEIST 1640 H3 LENNARTSSON Per LINGMAN Maria (23) 0m 3m 1a 4a 5a
11 DARK ROADSTER 1640 H3 ANDERSSON Osk. J. SJOBERG Emma-Sara 4a 0a 3a 7a 2a 5a
12 QUEENUP 1640 F3 KONTIO Jor. SJOSTROM Claes 7a 7a 0a 6a (20) 0a
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