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4 - PRIX Course 4

13h23 - 15 Runners - 4841 euros - 2140m - Attelé Volte

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 COPIKO Dp 2140 F4 LARSSON Mic. LARSSON Michael 8a Da 5a (19) 5a 2a
2 ALICE ROAD 2140 F4 TENGSAREID Asb. TENGSAREID AsbjOrn 0a 5a 3a 5a 3a 0a
3 ZENATO 2140 H4 MIKKELBORG Ola. MIKKELBORG Olav 4a (21) 3a 0a 0a 6a
4 GOOD EXPRESS 2160 H6 HORPESTAD Tom ARVIDSSON Morgan Da (23) 6a 7a 6a 0a
5 BRAVO QADIR 2160 H5 LINDBERG Kri. JOHANSSON Morgan J 0a 7a 8a Da (21) 6a
6 ROLL THE DICE Da 2160 H5 SILVEN Jan PAULSSON Rebecca 0a (23) 5m 0m 0a 7m
7 REALISTIC 2160 H8 AARUM Dag. JORGENSEN ARENANDER Helena 0m 8a 4a 7a Da (21)
8 HUGO BREW D4 2160 H4 NILSSON Per NORDQUIST Jorgen 8a 0a (22) 8m 8a 4a
9 PIRAT PIA 2160 F7 ANDERSSON Mik. HOLM Per-Ake 0a Da 0a 0a (21) 0a
10 SPLENDID JOVIJAL D4 2160 H7 PERSSON Gle. H. PETTERSSON Lars 4a (23) 5a 0a 6a 0a
11 DISNEY D4 2160 H6 LIHV Gor. LIHV Goran Dm (23) 0a 0a 4a 0a
12 GREENBANK 2160 H8 JEPSON Car. J. JOHANSSON Anders 7a 6a 9a 8a 7a 5a
13 LIGHTNINGEXCLUSIVE D4 2160 H5 MALMIN Kri. ANDERSSEN Trond 0a 3a (19) 4a 0a 2a
14 TORNADO GEL 2160 H6 BLOM MME Nat. BLOM Nathalie 0a 9a 0a 2a 5a 8a
15 LISTAS MARION D4 2160 F4 JAKOBSSON Mag. JAKOBSSON Magnus Da 5a (23) 5a Da Da
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