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8 -

- 9 Runners - 37000 Nok - Attelé - 2140 mètres - Départ Volte

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
LILLE FROKEN STOEN 2160 F4 TJOMSLAND Oys. Øystein Tjomsland 3a 6a Da 3a 5a 3a
MANTUS 2160 H5 KALS Per V. Oda Verdal 6a 6a (22) 0a 2a 2a
HASSEL LINDA 2160 F3 FLOYSAND T. Martine Wessel 2a 8a 3a 2a 4a 1a
NESLANDS JERVEN 2140 H6 HOITOMT Eir. Connie Engebrathen 3m Dm 5a Da Da
SPANG KAPRELL 2160 H5 ENGEBRATHEN MME C. Connie Engebrathen Aa 4a 0a 6a 0a 2a
SOMMERSTJERNA 2140 F4 ROYRAS Run. Odd Normann Hodne 0a 0a 2a 6a 3a 0a
KILETOR 2140 H7 ERIKSEN Joh. K. 0a 3a 0a Da 3a 6a
MIN KLEMENTIN 2140 F6 FRONES MME A. Irene B. Thorsen Da (21) Aa 1a 4a (20)
KOLNES TINE 2160 F8 HOP Vid. Oda Verdal Da Da
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