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R1 - Z1 AUTEUIL - the MONDAY 27 JUNE 2016

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 


16h55 - 11 Runners - 85000 - Fences - Listed - 5 years and More - 3900 mètres

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable Weight Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 ROCK THE RACE 71 H5 PHILIPPERON L. COLLET (S) ROB. 3h 7h 6h (20) 4h 10h
3 SHELFORD {IRE} 70 H7 SKELTON H. SKELTON D. 3s Ts 8s (18) 4s 7p
4 VIEUX MORVAN {AQ} 70 H7 NABET K. CHEREL G. Th 9s 8s (18) 2s As
5 QUART DE RHUM 68 H7 DE CHITRAY A. FOUIN Y. 4s 3s 3s 12p 12p 12p
6 CROSS IN HAND 68 H6 BEAUNEZ J. L. BUTEL MME P. 8h 5h 7h 7h 5h (15)
7 CHAMP DE BATAILLE 68 H5 MESCAM D. COTTIN (S) FM. 5h (19) 5h 4h 3h 9h
8 MON BONBON 67 H7 BILLARD MA. BERTIN JC. 0h 8h 0h (15) Ah Ah
9 AMAZONE DU LEMO {AQ} 67 F6 SOLIGNAC L. LE CLERC (S) A. 5s 8s 6h 3h 3h 9s
10 I WANT IT ALL 66 F7 GELHAY B. BILLOT (S) H. 0h 9h 0h 5h 6h 0h
11 SOLONDER 66 H5 COLAS S. GALLORINI MLLE I. 7h (18) 4h Ah 1h Th
12 KADA RIQUE 65 F5 LECORDIER A. LE GAL R. 7s 0h (16) 3h Ts 3s
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