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R2C6 - Freundschaftspreis Wiener Trabrenn Verein

13h20 - 12 Runners - 1.500 Attelé 2.100m Autostart

Runners At a glance

No Name Stable distance Sex Age Jockey Trainer Horse Form
1 LUGGI VENUS 2100 H3 HOBART Chr. HOBART K. Da 5a (21) 11a 6a 2a
2 HOW NICE S.R. 2100 F5 FLACH C. SCHWARZLMULLER P. 4a 3a 2a 6a 3a (23)
3 CC O 2100 H4 ORTNER H. UBLEIS MME C. 7a 6a 2a 9a 11a 3a
4 ESCADA OK 2100 F4 MAYR CH. MAYR G. 11a 8a 9a 6a 8a (19)
5 VINCENC VENUS Dp 2100 M5 WEIL MME LM. LICHTENWORTHER J. (20) 6a 6a 3a 7a 6a
6 CAMERON VENUS 2100 F4 ZEININGER D. FISCHER C. 8a 7a 5a 5a 7a 7a
7 INTER VENUS 2100 M8 ROYER T. HOBART K. Da 7a 6a 10a 9a 0a
8 MADNESS 2100 H5 JELLESCHITZ Mar. SYKORA H. 2a 3a 5a 3a 5a 1a
9 ALLEGRA 2100 F4 GRUBER K. FISCHER S. Da 7a 6a 8a 5a 8a
10 CALLINA MYSTERE 2100 F5 WEINWURM W. KONLECHNER F. (20) 7a 7a 6a 6a 6a
11 LIBERTY VENUS 2100 H4 LEITINGER MME Tan. HOBART K. 9a 10a (22) 11a 8a 3a
12 ADESSA 2100 F5 PREINING JR MJ. SCHWARZLMULLER P. 6a 6a (22) 3a 5a 2a
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