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Race Time Runners
flat Sportvision Stadia & Event Branding Handicap 14h25 10
7647€ - Flat Handicap -3 years -2505m -Race track E -Piste AllWeather
flat Stef Bell Finally Qualified As A Vet Restricted Novice Stakes (GBB Race) 15h00 13
6588€ - Flat -2 years -1422m -Race track E -Piste AllWeather
flat Smooth Radio North East Novice Stakes (GBB Race) 15h35 9
8117€ - Flat -2 years -1208m -Race track D -Piste AllWeather
flat William Hill Seaton Delaval Handicap 16h10 6
35294€ - Flat Handicap -4 years and More -1615m -Race track B -Piste AllWeather
flat Follow Rebecca Menzies Racing On Instagram Handicap (Div 1) 16h45 12
6502€ - Flat Handicap -3 years and More -1615m -Race track F -Piste AllWeather
flat Follow Rebecca Menzies Racing On Instagram Handicap (Div 2) 17h20 13
6502€ - Flat Handicap -3 years and More -1615m -Race track F -Piste AllWeather
flat Three Mile Handicap 17h55 9
7647€ - Flat Handicap -3 years -1422m -Race track E -Piste AllWeather
flat Gainford Group Handicap 18h30 6
10882€ - Flat Handicap -3 years -1007m -Race track D -Piste AllWeather
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