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R2 - Z2 HOL-WOLVEGA - the FRIDAY 27 MAY 2022

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6 


13h55 - 7 Runners - 9200 Euros - Attelé - 2100 mètres - Départ à l'autostart


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 METTA INVICTA BOT Rob. 2100 F5 6a 6a 3a 7a (22) 6.7 1.8
2 MARLA BOKO TESSELAAR D.P. 2100 F5 1a 1a 2a 1a 2m 3.8 3.9
3 MISS WIZZ JONGEJANS N. 2100 F5 6a Da 5a 1a 3a 40 71.5
4 MISTRAL MIERAS J. 2100 F5 6a 5a Da 2a (22) 4.7 4.5
5 MISS LYNX DEKKER Jon. 2100 F5 1a 4a 5a 4a 6a 30 66.7
6 MONTANA TRANSS R CREBAS Baa. J. 2100 F5 5a Aa 6a 7a 0a 14 42.1
7 MEGHAN FLEVO KOOYMAN T.H. 2100 F5 1a 2a 8a 4a (23) 4.1 9.5
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