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Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 


15h52 - 14 Runners - 48000 - Fences - Handicap - 5 years and More - 3800 mètres, Corde à gauche - Ref: +17


No Name Stable Jockey Weight S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 BROTHER BERNARD FARCINADE M. 71 H9 Ah Ah Ah 11h (21) 7.9 19.1 35 18 18
2 APPLESANDPIERRES {IRE} (Oe) SMEULDERS C. 71 H16 1h 9h 2h 3h 4h 35 72.8 40 70 70
3 CESAR DU LEMO RIOU C. 69 H9 5s 1s (22) As As 122 19.6 68 15 15
4 HEAVEN'S NIGHT MEUNIER Gab. 67.5 F9 Ah Ah 8h Ah 12h 12 19 29 17 17
6 KONIG GOLD DE GILES F. 71 H9 3h Ah (22) 2h Ah 19 14.6 56 10 10
7 SPIROU DE LUNE PHILIPPERON L. 70 H9 Th (22) 6h 4h 5h 3 3.7 10 3.9 3.9
8 PAPILLE D'OR {GB} CHARRON J. 70 H12 (22) 7h 4s 5s 13h 19 7 9.8 7.2 7.2
9 HENRY BRULARD GIRARD F. 65 H9 4h 2h (23) 2h 5h 55 14.1 6.4 14 14
10 NURMI {GER} (Oe) SATALIA D. 63 H11 (22) 5h 11h 6h 10h 13 3.5 5.8 4.1 4.1
11 PONT DE BERCY BALCAEN Sep. 63 H8 13h Th 8p 7p 8p 70 105.8 99 82 82
12 CIMA WELL JULLIOT R. 65 H9 6h Ts 3h 8h Ah 38 98.3 113 48 48
13 GOLD AND FIRE UBEDA D. 63.5 H10 10h (21) 2h 5h 2h 111 13 22 11 11
14 SAINT MARS GAUFFENIC N. 63 H8 6h Th Th 8h 6h 125 40.9 7.3 25 25
15 DILL DES FRESNES BLAINVILLE T. 62.5 H11 4h (23) 7h 10s 7h 12 25.2 27 37 37
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