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R4 - Z4 ANGERS - the SATURDAY 23 MAY 2020

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 


17h52 - 12 Runners - 18000 - Fences - 3 years - 3100 mètres


No Name Stable Jockey Weight S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
2 HYSTERY BERE BELLEY MO. 67 H7 3s 6p As (23) 2s 34 11.8 2.3 12 11
3 SIN DEL RIA PAILLARD S. 67 H7 8s 3h 1h 1s 6h 36 21.4 99 32 33
4 ITACARE REGAIRAZ M. 67 H7 6h 7h 10h (22) 6h 38 18.6 26 19 19
5 MADE IN BARELIERE UBEDA D. 67 H7 6p 4p 6p 9h 9h 39 65.4 99 54 61
6 BALADIN DE MESC LEFEBVRE MR C. 67 H7 3h 1h 4h (22) 2h 7.8 2.7 4.9 2.4 2.6
7 MYSTERIOUS GARDEN DE CHITRAY A. 67 H7 Ts 1s 2s 3h Th 27 13.9 26 14 18
8 PHARAON GENTAY Dor. 64 H7 5h 1h (22) Ah 1h 28 40.4 99 38 42
9 SEEYOUINTHEPARK FARCINADE M. 66 H7 6h 5s 4h 5h 3h 14 6.5 5.3 7 6.4
10 BLUEBERRY HILL GALLON D. 67 H7 5h 3.1 4.7 9.5 4.1 3.6
11 FALDEX O'BRIEN RL. 67 H7 1s 2s Ts 7p (21) 33 9.8 8.5 12 11
12 HOT MACRI (Oe) JOUIN O. 67 H7 2c Ts Ts 2s (20) 34 44.6 99 60 69
13 INFINITE SOLIGNAC L. 66 F7 1h 10h 2h 5h 5s 36 59.7 16 77 86
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