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R1 - Z1 AUTEUIL - the SUNDAY 20 APRIL 2014

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 


16h40 - 16 Runners - 55000 - Fences - Handicap - 5 years - 3900 mètres - Ref: +13


No Name Stable Jockey Weight S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 BALLYROCK LESTRADE B. 71 H15 5h 3h 3h 5h 4h 6 4.9 7.2 7.1 7.2
2 VIEUX FRERE {AQ} DESOUTTER MLLE N. 70 H15 2s 1h 7h (14) 2h 9 5 4.5 5.1 4.5
3 ASTARADAME PAMART F. 70 F15 2h 9h Th (13) 3h 6 4.1 3.3 2.9 3.3
4 AL HAKIM MAJORCRYK T. 70 H15 As As (15) Ts 3s 22 26 27 27.6 27
5 PINDARE DA SILVA Jér. 69 H15 3c 1c 6c 2c 2c 45 12.4 13.8 10.3 13.8
6 CONTE COLORATE RICOU J. 69 H15 0p 0p 0p 9p 0p 42 46.2 60.2 35.3 60.2
7 VERDURE DES OBEAUX {AQ} ZULIANI S. 68 F15 6h As 3h 1s 7h 7.5 8.4 7.2 12.1 7.2
8 PROMETS MOI LECORDIER A. 67 F15 Th 2h Ts 6p 5h 13 12.1 12.4 15.8 12.4
9 STATU QUO 1 GAGNON JC. 66 H15 0p 4p 3p 0p 0p 45 119 85.4 56.9 85.4
10 TIGER SY FAIVRE-PICON C. 66 H15 Ah 9s 3s 4s 3h 67 89.2 70.4 44.4 70.4
11 CHERIE MARINE LE JONCOUR A. 66 F15 9h 6h (14) 0h 0h 78 138.8 156.7 97.2 156.7
12 EQUERRYNA DE BOSDA BARBEDETTE G. 65 F15 Ah (14) 1h 3h 3s 54 113.5 108.7 70.3 108.7
13 VAUBAN LAUGIL {AQ} DEHEZ S. 65 H15 0s 5s 0h 6h (16) 42 34.2 25.9 28 25.9
14 SAINTE BORGUE NATTIEZ J. 64 F15 4h (14) 9h 6h 0p 15 13.5 17.3 18.3 17.3
15 GOLD RESERVE LAJON W. 64 H15 4s 1s 2h 3s 6h 12 104.1 50.6 60.7 50.6
16 WITNESS 1 MESCAM D. 63 H15 As 4h 5h 1h Ah 70 35.1 34.4 32.7 34.4
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