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R5C3 - PRIX Streak Spa 2008

19h30 - 9 Runners - 3569 - Flat - Condicional - Female 5 years and More - 1400m. (PSF)


No Name Stable Jockey Weight S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 THE SWEETIEST {ARG} VALLE Mar. J. 57 F11 8p 5p 1p 3p 6p 6.7 6.1 5 11 6.8
2 CHIMBEA {ARG} MOREYRA Wil. R. 57 F11 (19) 5p 2p 8p 3p 11 5.1 2.5 4.7 4.5
3 DONA BICOCA {ARG} BALMACEDA Lau. E. 57 F11 9p 6p 7p 3p 3p 7.8 13.6 99 17 10
4 INDIA DEL MONTE {ARG} Leonardo F. Tello Elizondo 57 F11 0p 5p 1p 8p 5p 5.6 8.5 99 10 12
5 FRIEND´S HOUSE {ARG} CABRERA Ani. J. 57 F11 0p 0p 7p 4p 3p
6 NORMANDY BEACH {ARG} FERNANDES GONCALVES Fra. L. 57 F11 0p 7p 6p 6p 0p 18 22.3 5 30 15
7 ES PINTADA {ARG} Juan C. Costa 55 F12 8p 0p 7p 7p (18) 24 46.6 99 18 29
9 SUSTRAIDA {ARG} Franco J. Correa 57 F11 1p 4p 1p (18) 1p 10 5 2.5 5.1 4.2
10 MACANA RYE {ARG} CARRIZO Pab. D. 57 F11 0p 4p 2p (19) 6p 11 3.6 99 5.8 5
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