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Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7 


11h30 - 14 Runners - 14000 - Fences - 5 years and More - 3900 mètres


No Name Stable Jockey Weight S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 CRAZY BOY BONNET R. 71 H9 Th (19) 4s 2s 4s 12 23.8 49 27 33
2 CIDJIE DANGLES MACELI L. 67 F9 5h 4h 8h Ts 9h 6 7.1 14 7.1 7.6
3 MONEY MART POIRIER AL. 70 F11 3h 15h 6h (19) 2h 9 2.9 3.5 3.2 2.9
4 TEVENNEC SOLIGNAC L. 69 H11 As 6s 3s Ah (19) 38 66.3 70 59 78
5 ASTARA DE LUNE HENRY B. 65 F12 Th (21) 4h 2h Th 9 8.6 16 11 7.9
6 SIMBA DE TEILLEE (Oe) BURELLER E. 69 H13 4s 6s As (23) 5s 7.5 12 23 17 22
7 N'ATTEND PAS TROP JOUIN O. 68 H13 7c (21) 5c 2c 5c 38 15.6 6.7 13 13
8 BE FREE (Oe) RICHARD G. 64 F10 Ah 6h 10p 4h (19) 68 45.5 164 32 56
9 NOTRE VIRENNE MEME B. 67 F10 4s 4s 7s 9s Ts 12 8.9 17 7.4 6.8
10 FLAVIO ST GOUSTAN MORICEAU A. 65 H9 5s (20) 3s 8s 1s 11 18.9 54 24 27
11 DELLA PERLA {AQ} ORAIN Ale. 66 F11 Ah 5h (20) 3h 13h 38 9.2 3.4 9 8.6
12 FOLISH GOLD ZULIANI L. 66 F10 1s 3s (23) 1s Th 21 27.8 20 9.3 12
13 GRANDE RECRE DUPOUY-BATAILLE T. 63.5 F11 Ah (19) As As 4s 23 112 30 68 102
14 BETTY DU SUD LE STANG R. 65.5 F11 7s 5s 4s Ah (18) 30 63.2 11 36 58
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