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R4 - Z4 LYON PARILLY - the FRIDAY 11 JUNE 2021

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 


17h20 - 9 Runners - 18000 - Flat - Handicap - 3 years - 2400 mètres, Corde à gauche - Ref: +27


No Name Stable Jockey Weight S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 PRINCESSE ELEANOR LECOEUVRE C. 60.5 F6 9p 9p 10p 7p 2p 7.3 16 14 13
2 JARDIN BLEU PASQUIER S. 60 H6 1p 13p 3p 6p 8p 4.8 18 5.1 5
3 WINDY WELLY BLONDEL F. 59.5 F6 Ah 9p 8p 7p 5p 52.8 5 28 49
4 INGENIOUS MACHINE NICCO MLLE A. 57.5 F6 1s Ah (21) 1h 5h 10.4 7.9 10 12
5 YAMINA SAADI S. 59 F6 11p 9p 2p 10p 8p 5.4 9.4 6.2 4.9
6 EUSTACHE VELON MLLE M. 56.5 H6 5p 9p 5p 8p 1p 3.7 2.4 3.1 3.1
7 MR RIEM DUPORTE MLLE A. 56 H6 4p 4p 11p 18p (23) 12.9 6.2 10 13
8 PORTALIS CONGIU G. 55.5 H6 (23) 2p 1p 10p 6p 21.2 99 10 11
9 FEEDESREVES RUIS S. 54.5 F6 4p 9p 13p 2p 3p 8 15 8.6 8
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