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R5C3 - PRIX One Way

19h22 - 10 Runners - 2514 - Flat - Handicap - 3 years and plus - 1200m. (PSF)


No Name Stable Jockey Weight S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 TIPO BARBARO {CHL} SANCHO ESCALANTE Ben. A. 53 H15 0p 0p 8p 6p 8p 19 28.3 4.5 21.9 21.3
2 QUINTO DEL REY {CHL} QUINTEROS GONZ Wla. E. 57 M10 5p 8p 2p 2p 9p 25 8.4 99 23.8 9.4
3 GALAN LARGO {CHL} GONZALEZ Sim. 56 H11 0p 0p 8p 2p 2p 6.2 10.5 3.3 7.7 13.1
4 MABRUCK {CHL} GUTIERREZ M. 54 H16 0p (19) 0p 7p 0p 7.4 9.4 4.5 8.5 7.2
5 CHAMBERS {CHL} GONZALEZ TORRES MME L. 50 H10 0p 5p 3p 0p 2p 7.4 26.2 4.5 13.3 25.3
6 BENNUS {CHL} CORTES VERDEJO Rod. G. 58 F12 0p 7p 0p 0p 0p 31 15.4 4.5 5.2 10.6
7 SOL DE TOSCANA {CHL} ZUNIGA DIAZ Ari. H. 55 M10 3p 3p 4p 7p 3p 44 14.4 99 23.6 16
8 MIRA BIEN {CHL} SALINAS C. 56 H12 (21) 0p 0p 7p 0p 3.7 3.3 99 4.5 3.3
9 EMIR SURENO {CHL} ULLOA PEREZ Gon. G. 58 H11 (21) 1p 6p 2p 5p 31 4.4 99 9.4 5.2
10 JUANITO SEND {CHL} FUENZALIDA GARCIA Rod. A. 58 M11 6p 6p 4p 4p 5p 8.6 9.8 99 4.7 7.8
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