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Races n° 1  2  3  4 


12h40 - 12 Runners - 5.481 Euros Attelé 1609m Autostart


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 HALATTICA QUATREUIL F. 1609 F7 Da 8a Da (20) 4a 42 31.6 32 28 28
2 FORTUNE DE VILLARS MASSONNET E. 1609 F9 10a 9a 3a 3a 7a 10 11.6 8.8 18 18
3 HELATTO NUNES de Oliveira V. 1609 H7 8a Da Da (21) 1a 8.1 3.2 1.4 3.3 3.3
4 GIULIA DE LOU (Dp) HUBER MME M. 1609 F8 7a 0a 9a 3a 11a 48 25.6 10 16 16
5 HYDE PARK HUMBERT M. 1609 H7 1a 1a (21) 2a 2a 4 4.2 21 4.4 4.4
6 HELLO MISS SCHNEIDER P. 1609 F7 11a 4a 6a 6a 4a 32 37.6 13 24 24
7 HULAPALU KOHLER R. 1609 F7 6a 11a 6a 3a 2a 34 79.7 17 70 70
8 FUGIER HUGUELET MME C. 1609 H9 9a 11a 7a 6a 11a 36 83 99 73 73
9 GEISHA CAPTAIN BLANC N. 1609 F8 7a 7a 3a 6a 5a 38 109.1 99 80 80
10 HIGH NOON FERRO L. 1609 H7 1a 3a (23) 4a 2a 12 14.3 64 10 10
11 GARY SAINT BAZILE BURGER A. 1609 H8 6a Da 6a Da (20) 6.1 4 19 4.3 4.3
12 HUMPTY DOO CREEK GONIN MME N. 1609 H7 Da Da 9a 8a Da 8.1 12.9 99 9.9 9.9
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