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R4 - Z4 AUT-BADEN - the THURSDAY 19 JULY 2018

Races n° 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  12 

R4C10 - 20ème Monté Derby de L'autriche

20h30 - 14 Runners - 8.000 Mont‚ 2.600m


No Name Stable Jockey distance S A Horse Form Odds ZETURF Odds PMU
              probable real in the morning in 10 mins final
1 LENDAVA (Dp) BRUCKNER MME S. 2600 F14 9a (18) 10a 10a 11a 38 77.1 5.9 20.5 101.5
2 CARLINA BECO JAZBEC MME T. 2600 F12 5m 2m (18) 6m 6a 57 47.8 99 37.8 39.3
3 VERDICT DE CRENNES HINTERHOLZER M. 2600 H15 0a 8a (20) 4m 6m 38 58.6 2.9 55.5 79
4 WILLY VENUS (D4) DE VRIES MME S. 2600 H17 (18) 4m 4a 5a (17) 26 14.6 5.9 17.3 31
5 RACER (D4) J. WIESNER 2600 H16 (18) 10a 7a 4a 11m 19 11.2 99 13.4 23.5
6 BASS VICTORY MAYR MME C. 2600 H16 5m 7a 2a (18) 2a 26 68.2 99 17.9 69.4
7 TIGER BILL HIRSCHER MME H. 2600 H17 (18) 5a 4m 7a 10m 57 20.4 99 69.9 100.9
8 AMICELLINA (D4) UUSITALO MME T. 2625 F13 4a 4a Da 7a 2a 66 21.2 5.9 25.8 30.9
9 ULYSSE DE CORBERY GRUBER MME S. 2625 H16 (18) 9a 2a 6a 6a 10 11.4 99 5.5 6.8
10 VICTOR STAR (D4) HINTERHOLZER M. 2625 H15 9a 7a 3a 1a 7a 57 17.8 99 5.8 15.2
11 GLOBAL LIMOUSINE SANDNER MME Ale. 2625 H18 Da 4a 4a (19) 8a 26 37.1 99 35.9 64
12 TOP WINNER (D4) WALTER MME R. 2650 H14 5a 1m 1m 3m 2m 6.4 3 99 3.7 2.3
13 SEYFFENSTEIN (D4) BOCK MME M. 2650 H15 7a 6a 2a 2a 4a 5.1 4.5 5.9 8.2 4
14 TENOR DU RUEL (D4) BATIST MME A. M. J. 2650 H17 4a 10a 3m 5m 7a 3.8 8.2 5.9 12.8 9.6
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