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4 - PRIX Starter Optional Claiming

- 6 Runners - 285 - Flat - Starter Optional Claiming - 1400m. (PSF)

Runners Complete information

silks No Name Stable S A Weight Jockey Trainer Ropes  Winnings
1 PREPARE FOR GLORY {USA} H5 54.5 Huber Villa-Gomez JORDAN BLAIR 1
Orig.: Archarcharch - Sliver Of Hope (22) 4p 5p 1p 7p 5p (21) 1p (20) 3p
3 LITIGANT {USA} H6 54.5 Ronald R. Ordonez GERARD OCHOA 3
Orig.: Mineshaft - Fantasy Bay 2p 1p 5p 6p 3p 8p 4p (23) 6p 4p 6p 2p 4p
4 NATIVE HAWK {USA} H10 55.5 Jose A. Batista JUAN ARRIAGADA 4
Orig.: Flower Alley - Silvery Star (23) 1p (22) 1p 4p 2p 2p 4p 1p 1p 2p 1p (21) 6p
5 TONY SMALL {USA} H6 49.5 Madeline Rowland DENNIS WARD 5
Orig.: Distorted Humor - Bonnie Blue Flag 4p (23) 5p 5p 9p 2p (22) 1p 5p 1p (21) 1p 6p 7p
6 BOURBON WISDOM {USA} H5 54.5 Samy Camacho ELIS ROQUE 6
Orig.: Constitution - Marycasey (22) 1p 5p 3p 7p 1p 3p 3p 5p 6p 5p 1p
7 ARRIVEDERLA {USA} H6 55.5 Wilmer A. Garcia JEAN L. ADORNO 7
Orig.: Adios Charlie - Donna Marie (22) 8p (21) 1p 5p 8p 7p 8p 12p 2p 4p 4p 4p
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