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1 - Prix INTERBET.CO.ZA - 0861 150 160 MAIDEN PLATE

12h05 - 12 Runners - 3816 - Flat - 1400m - Race track G - Maiden - Female - (Herbe) Corde à droite

Runners Complete information

silks No Name Stable S A Weight Jockey Trainer Ropes  Winnings
1 ISLAND MISTRESS {SAF} F4 60 KHUMALO S. Paul Matchett 8
Orig.: Master Of My Fate - Ocean Island (20) 15p 8p 3p 6p 10p 16p 7p (19) 9p 8p 7p cotes zeturf 4.7
3 FLASHLIGHT {SAF} F6 60 HABIB D. Geoff Woodruff 2
Orig.: Kahal (gb) - Be My Buddy (21) 10p 6p 8p 6p 1p 3p (20) 4p 8p 6p 2p 2p cotes zeturf 1.9
4 TUSCAN LIGHT {SAF} F5 60 SCHWARZ D. Gary Alexander 7
Orig.: Gimmethegreenlight (aus) - Tuscan Treasure (21) 8p (20) 7p 4p 7p 8p (19) 3p 4p 9p 4p 3p 4p cotes zeturf 6.7
5 OCEANS PRIDE {SAF} (Oe) F6 60 ZACKEY C. Bridget Stidolph 14
Orig.: Curved Ball (aus) - Royal Vip (22) 9p 6p 5p 5p 6p 4p 2p 6p 4p 4p 5p (21) 6p cotes zeturf 32.4
6 JACK'S SWAN {SAF} (Oe) F5 60 NYAWO B. Ashley Fortune 12
Orig.: Jackson - Swann'S Way (20) 11p 8p 12p 9p 8p cotes zeturf 54.1
8 BEDOUIN BRIDE {SAF} F4 60 BROWN S. St John Gray 1
Orig.: The Sheik - Come With Me (21) 12p 7p 7p 6p 1p 3p 3p 6p 5p 6p 8p 5p cotes zeturf 23.2
9 NORVALSPONT {SAF} F4 60 MAUJEAN C. Geoff Woodruff 13
Orig.: Ideal World (usa) - Wood Nymph (21) 5p 8p (20) 4p 5p 11p cotes zeturf 40.6
10 GALACTICO {SAF} F3 57 SIMONS R. J A Janse van Vuuren 6
Orig.: Kingsbarns (ire) - Winter Star (21) 14p 6p 1p 3p 4p (20) 7p 6p 9p cotes zeturf 16.2
11 PURPLE SHADOW {SAF} F4 57.5 SYSTER J. R. Clinton Binda 4
Orig.: Jackson - Fragrant Filly (22) 6p 6p (21) 11p 9p 1p 7p 7p (20) 7p 3p 9p 4p 4p cotes zeturf 23.2
12 ANUNNAKI {SAF} F3 57.5 JUGLALL T. Geoff Woodruff 9
Orig.: Coup De Grace (usa) - Diamond Emblem (20) 12p 5p 12p cotes zeturf 54.1
13 DRY DELTA {SAF} F3 57 STOREY C. Stuart Pettigrew 3
Orig.: Greys Inn (usa) - Delta Lioness (arg) (20) 8p 6p 8p 11p cotes zeturf 20.3
14 TROPICAL GIVER {SAF} F3 57 DE GOUVEIA D. Stuart Pettigrew 11
Orig.: Philanthropist (usa) - Hot Summer Night (21) 14p 8p 1p 5p 6p 6p (20) 5p 6p 8p 5p 7p cotes zeturf 10.8
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