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13h15 - 14 Runners - 3816 - Flat - 1600m - Race track G - Maiden - (Herbe) Corde à droite

Runners Complete information

silks No Name Stable S A Weight Jockey Trainer Ropes  Winnings
1 ARNICA MONTANA {SAF} (Oe) H4 60 VAN RENSBURG M. Mike de Kock 15
Orig.: Flower Alley (usa) - Tatiana (20) 3p (19) 3p 8p 4p 3p 2p 2p cotes zeturf 3.4
2 SHENANDOAH RIVER {SAF} (Oe) H4 60 SIMONS R. Geoff Woodruff 9
Orig.: Duke Of Marmalade (ire) - Almost Heaven (20) 11p 4p 7p 5p 9p (19) 7p cotes zeturf 12.0
3 THUNDERJET {SAF} H4 60 KHUMALO S. Alec Laird 16
Orig.: Marchfield (can) - Imperious Girl (20) 12p 9p 8p 2p 8p 16p (19) 19p 7p 2p cotes zeturf 28.0
4 ROYAL SIEGE {SAF} H5 60 MATSUNYANE K. Tyrone Zackey 10
Orig.: Jay Peg - Royal Palm (22) 4p 11p 6p 12p 4p 6p 7p (21) 6p 12p 7p 10p 4p cotes zeturf 21.0
5 SPOOKY {SAF} H4 60 NYAWO B. Dorrie Sham 12
Orig.: Pour Moi (ire) - Natural Woman (ire) (20) 12p 8p 6p 7p 11p 8p 5p 3p (19) 4p 4p 4p cotes zeturf 32.0
6 QUARARI'S VALENTYN {SAF} H4 60 KLINK N. Brett Webber 1
Orig.: Querari (ger) - Silvan Gold (20) 10p 7p 5p 6p 9p 11p 9p 10p 7p 9p 9p cotes zeturf 96.2
7 TIKI TAKA {SAF} H5 60 SAMPSON D. J. Erico Verdonese 3
Orig.: Curved Ball (aus) - Empress Of Asia (aus) (22) 17p 12p 8p 10p 14p 9p 4p (21) 3p 17p 4p 6p 4p cotes zeturf 35.4
8 BRAVE DETAIL {SAF} H5 60 DANIELSON R. Romeo Francis 14
Orig.: Brave Tin Soldier (usa) - Finest Detail (20) 10p 10p 16p 8p 11p 6p 11p 9p 8p 9p 5p cotes zeturf 224.5
9 ELECTRA FLYING {SAF} H4 60 STOREY C. Alec Laird 13
Orig.: Gimmethegreenlight (aus) - Gypsy Madonna (21) 14p 12p 13p 1p (20) 7p 9p 7p 7p 2p 5p 7p cotes zeturf 23.2
10 FIFTH OF JULY {SAF} H4 60 DE GOUVEIA D. David Nieuwenhuizen 5
Orig.: Wylie Hall (aus) - Virgo'S Babe (23) 12p 6p 4p 3p (22) 7p 6p 9p 2p 2p 2p 2p 4p cotes zeturf 51.8
11 PROSPECTOR {SAF} H5 60 SCHWARZ D. Gary Alexander 6
Orig.: Traffic Guard (usa) - Rosetta (21) 6p 2p (20) 4p 3p 2p 4p 1p 2p 6p cotes zeturf 4.0
12 TAKE THE WORLD {SAF} H5 60.5 DICKEN C. F. Sean Tarry 11
Orig.: Pomodoro - Tinchy Stryder (22) 12p 11p 12p 15p 11p 17p (21) 10p 10p 15p 10p 4p 8p cotes zeturf 11.4
13 GIANT SLAYER {SAF} H3 56 FERRARIS L. J. Sean Tarry 2
Orig.: Trippi (usa) - Primrose Hill (usa) (20) 4p 9p 8p cotes zeturf 3.3
14 PFORZHEIM {SAF} M3 56 BANTAM G. Gerald C Walker 7
Orig.: Elusive Fort - Pritti (20) 6p 9p 7p 9p 4p 11p cotes zeturf 39.6
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